Magic Pill Society

Magic Pill Society

Magic Pill Society It seems the more symptoms and diseases that are discovered, the more drugs we have out there. I often remember a televised stand up act from Chris Rock when he said, “Do you go to bed at night and wake up in the morning? Then we got a pill for...
Kids Divide and Conquer

Kids Divide and Conquer

Kids Divide and Conquer While at the park today I noticed a young child about the age of 4 screaming at the top of her lungs and kicking her mother because the swing she wanted to swing on was taken by my child. The mother explains to her daughter she needed to swing...
Fall in love with your life

Fall in love with your life

Fall in love with your life How do you measure your happiness in your life? Often we might take a step back, look at our life and think its good. Then maybe you see a car driving down the road that has a higher price sticker than yours and it pulls into the...
Make a Weekly Self-Care Appointment

Make a Weekly Self-Care Appointment

Make a Weekly Self-Care Appointment The “To Do” List is constantly growing and shrinking but it seems like never ending. The usual weekly tasks of “laundry, grocery shopping, dry cleaners, cooking, cleaning, etc.” Not to mention throw in the carpool, kids soccer games...