by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
The Silent Grief-Dealing with Perinatal Loss Joy, Excitement, Anticipation, Hope, and Longing are all feelings that are felt with preparing to have children. Giving birth and having a family is something we talk about when we are children. We even talk about it when...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
Emotion Based Parenting You are in the grocery store and your child asks for something. You feel the anxiety creep up in your body. You begin to weigh your options in your head. “If I agree, he won’t act out. If I don’t, I have to deal with a huge tantrum and may have...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
Parenting Lessons that Will Last a Lifetime Many parents want to improve their parenting. When I ask kids what they want most to change in their house they usually respond with more family time. Running household errands and doing chores is not how children interpret...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
Sample Parenting Contract to Encourage Chores and Positive Behavior for Children Chore & Behavior Contract: __________ agrees to do the following chores and will earn 1 star (*)per chore for every day she completes the following chores: Empty the dishwasher when...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
Parenting Tips for Your Gifted Child Being the parent of a gifted child may seem like every parent’s dream. However, after experiencing the emotional meltdowns one might disagree. There is a certain amount of patience and empathy that parents need to be aware of when...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
New Year’s Parenting Resolution Often times as parents, we get so wrapped up in the business of life that we forget the purpose of it all. The Monday through Friday routines are filled with work and school followed by a ton of extracurricular activities. Between...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
The Importance of Family Meetings Kids need to feel heard, but sometimes as parents we are unsure when we need to set limits on the listening. When does listening become manipulation? Sometimes our children can be so convincing that they are “right” about why it’s...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
Make Your Kids Pay for Arguing Tired of the kids constantly talking back? Feel like it’s a losing battle? Children will often try to push their limits by refusing to do chores, homework, and anything they just don’t feel like doing. As parents it’s our job to help...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
College Kid Prep Course of Parents So the little bundle of joy is finally getting ready to leave the nest. As a parent it is hard to imagine how fast the time flew by. All of your parenting hard work is now being put to the test. Will they make it? Are they making the...
by Tiffany Smith Counseling | Articles
How to Survive Back to School An Office Supply Store created a commercial that sums up the feeling parents and kids have about Back to School. It starts out with the Christmas tune “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” There is a father riding around gliding...